Frequently Asked Questions

Global Communications

How much do your services cost?

RCOS offers very competitive rates depending on the scope of work; the costs will vary depending on the services needed. Please contact us for a free quote!


What type of services do you offer?

We offer a wide variety of services. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Do your associates have an accent?

Our associates are carefully chosen to have little to no accent. English is an official language in the Philippines, its ranked #1 in business English proficiency, and many nearby countries will travel to the Philippines as a way to learn English. You can hear some samples of our associates’ recordings upon request.

Will my associates be working for multiple clients at the same time?

With a few exception services, all of our associates are dedicated strictly for your account.


Can I interview, or speak with my associates before hiring?

Absolutely! We're happy to schedule interview times; as well you are welcome to leave the hiring process in our capable hands.


What if one of my associates is not performing, can I swap?

Yes. If you are unhappy with the associate, please contact our support staff and we assure you preventive measures will be taken to assure that you are happy with the associate given.

Fibre Communication
Touch Communication

Do you accept performance based pricing programs?

At this time we do not.


Will customers or clients know that my calls are being routed or coming from the Philippines?

No, we use a VOIP service and can match any area code of your choosing.


Can I offer incentives to my associates?

Absolutely! Just contact our support staff and we can get this set in motion for you.


I have a question not listed here.

No problem, Feel free to contact us!