RCOS call center Philippines
Republic of Philippines Company
About Us

Our Mission, Vision and Core Values

We at RC OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS (RCOS) believe in achieving success for both our associates and our clients. We want to be an essential part of that process. To that end, we believe in the following Mission & Vision Statements and set of Core Values:


Mission Statement

To provide the most cost effective business model for Business Processing Outsourcing for international and domestic companies to increase profits and customer quality. RCOS empowers individuals through meaningful work that leads to fuller lives, stronger organizations and richer communities.

Vision Statement

To be the leading BPO Services partner of choice in Asia.

Core Values

We understand our instrumental role in helping clients achieve success. For this reason, we encourage positive values in the workplace that inspire our people to provide the highest standards of professionalism and customer service. Our core values thus serve as a guiding compass for advancing RC Outsourcing Solutions mission and vision in the BPO industry.

  • Trust - an essential human value that quantifies and defines our interdependence in relationships with others
  • Integrity - honesty, honour and truthfulness
  • Growth - for both our associates and clients lives
  • Loyalty - dedication to the mission, to the community, and to each other
  • Respect - treating others the way you want to be treated
Background Effect
Pampanga, Philippines
Philippines Map GIF
RCOS values call center
Philippines Globe Flag GIF

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